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On October 2, 2018 the Garfield School District's Home & School hosted their first Parent Event Night. It was a wonderful success and we thank everyone who came out and supported our night. We have Partnership for Change present to the families about their mission to break the cycle of abuse in all relationships through education and bringing awareness. Many may feel that their child isn't at the relationship age, however our students are beginning to "date" even at the elementary level. We need to make sure we educate ourselves and our children. This event happens to be on the Week of Respect and when we talk about respect it isn't just for others but ourselves as well. 

Check out Partnership for Change's website:

Our next Garfield School District Home & School Parent Night is on January 9th and it is about Mindfulness. Please come out and join us for another great evening!
Posted by jessica.ribaudo  On Oct 03, 2018 at 12:28 AM
Last year, we had an exciting year with many events happening in our school district. There are many schools in the district and it is really special when we get to have activities that connect our students from different schools with each other.
  • Elementary Math Challenge
  • High School Students teaching Elementary Students about Diversity & Bullying
  • Week of Respect & Violence Awareness Week Activities
  • Garfield Juvenile Police Department provided our 4th graders with an incredible presentation 
  • Anti-Bullying Music Concert
  • Omega Man (being a HERO)
  • Color Run
  • Respect Parade
  • Pathway to Addiction presentation for our freshman students
  • Garfield Fire Department's Jr. Firefighter Program

and so much more...

The District Home & School Consortium held several event nights for parents and district employees. There was David Nash from Legal One sharing with parents about NJ's Anti-Bullying Law and what they can do as parents, NJ CAP shared ways to protect and talk to our children about Child Abuse Prevention, The Garfield Police came in and discussed plans and current initiatives that have already been done in helping making our traffic and streets safer, former DEA Agent came to help educate everyone on what is going with our youth and community with substances and so many more. We look forward for what is in store for next year with the District Home & School Consortium. The goal is to bring the whole district together and build a connection while educating everyone as well. We hope more come out this year. Garfield Prevention Coalition has been supporting us at our events and we look forward to working with them next year again too.

The Garfield Public Schools has many changes for the upcoming school year and we are looking forward to it. The District now has a brand new website design and we hope you take the time to review it and see the new additions to the pages and so forth. Also, take your time and click on the resources that we have for everyone. 

It is important to get to know the new website design, so you have an easier time navigating through it to find out information about the schools and district. 

Please check out our Social Media and if you are not already following us please do. We hope everyone is having an incredible summer and we are looking forward to this upcoming school year! 

Facebook: Garfield NJ School Community
Instagram: GarfieldNJSchools
Twitter: GarfieldNJSchls

Posted by jessica.ribaudo  On Jul 15, 2018 at 8:28 PM
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