Program Policies

Student Expectations

1. Students must maintain an average of 82% or higher (Exceeding Standards/ES  or Meeting Standards/MS in all core subject areas which are ELA, Math, and Science as well as in Art, Technology, and Work & Study Skills in the regular classroom as indicated on the Report Card from the regular classroom/home school.   If a student receives an "AS" Approaching Standards in any subject areas or Work & Study Skills, the student will be placed on suspension from the program for AT LEAST (2) gifted classes at Ms. DeWitt's discretion.  This will give the student a chance to make improvements in their general education classes.  Ms. DeWitt will monitor the student's grades and check in with the homeroom general education teacher to assess improvements.  If improvements are made, the student will return to the next scheduled gifted class after the suspension period has ended as deemed by Ms. DeWitt. If there are no improvements made, the student shall continue to with the suspension from attending the gifted classes for a time period at Ms. DeWitt's discretion. The student will have another opportunity to correct, concentrate, and improve their academics/behavior in the homeroom general education classroom. If improvements do not meet the requirements of the program after the continued suspension time, the student will be dismissed from the gifted program.

2. All homeroom class and homework assignments that are missed during G&T instruction must be completed.  It is the student's responsibility to obtain the assignments from their teachers.  The student must make time to speak to their teachers about what was missed and what needs to be made up.  Assignments need to be made up in a time frame given by their teachers.

3. All general curriculum assignments in the regular classrooms must be up-to-date and in good standing at all times.

4. Students must follow the Elementary Code of Conduct at all times. The Code of Conduct is listed in the Elementary School Handbook. Students must maintain appropriate behavior/conduct/attitude in their home school, homeroom class, gifted class, and on the school bus.  Students must be respectful to their teachers and their classmates.

5. If a student in the gifted program is involved in a school incident/HIB Investigation and is the Offender or Violator, the student will serve a suspension period of  AT LEAST (2) gifted classes at Ms. DeWitt's discretion.  The outcome of the investigation will be discussed by Ms. DeWitt and the building principal.  After a decision on the HIB is made, if the student is found guilty of the offense, the student will either continue to serve a suspension at Ms. DeWitt's discretion or be dismissed from the Gifted & Talented Program. If the investigated incident was not substantiated, or the student was not found guilty in the investigation, the student will be reinstated in the Gifted & Talented Program at Ms. DeWitt's discretion.

6. If the student in the gifted program is involved in a school incident and receives disciplinary action from the principal/teacher as a result of the incident or investigation,  the student will serve a suspension period at Ms. DeWitt's discretion.  Ms. DeWitt will check in with the homeroom teacher and principal to see if improvements in behavior/conduct/attitude have been made.  If improvements are made, the student will return to the gifted class after the suspension period has ended.  If there are no improvements made, the student shall continue their suspension from attending the gifted class for a time period at Ms. DeWitt's discretion.  
This is necessary to give the student time to correct, concentrate, and improve on their behavior/conduct/attitude in the homeroom class as well as the school.  If improvements are not made after the suspension time, the student will be dismissed from the gifted program.

7. Students must complete all of the gifted projects and assignments promptly and put forth their best efforts.

Classroom Expectations

1. Respectfully utilize the classroom resources and return all materials at the end of class in an orderly manner.

2. Collaborate respectfully with their peers.

3. Persevere during problem-based learning.

4. Remain on-task throughout the class.

5. Participate in all areas of the class.

6.  Be respectful to all classmates and Ms. DeWitt.

Disciplinary Actions

1. Missing assignments, a decline in grades in the general curriculum, or student behavior/conduct/attitude may require a suspension of AT LEAST (2) gifted classes.  This is
necessary to give the student time to correct, concentrate, and improve on their assignments and their conduct in the general curriculum classroom/school.  The parent will be notified via email. 

2. Student suspensions will be reviewed during/after the suspension time period.  Ms. DeWitt will meet with the homeroom teacher and/or principal of the student to see if improvements were made by the student.  A decision will be made on whether or not the student will receive some additional suspension time as determined by Ms. DeWitt, or be dismissed from the gifted program.  The parent will be notified of the decision via email.

3. A grade of "NS" Needs Support in the general curriculum will result in the immediate discontinuation of gifted services. 

Updated September 2023

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